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100% organic fertilizer


Natural stimulation of the body at the cellular level.
Improvement of all processes of plant growth and development.

Relikt R® is a modern environmentally friendly and safe preparation based on salts of humic and fulvic acids, which has growth-stimulating, adaptogenic and protective properties.
Its principle of action is the natural stimulation of the plant body and the improvement of all biological processes that occur in it. First, the drug acts on the cells, then on the plant tissue.
Thus, Relikt R activates bioenergetic processes, stimulates metabolism, improves the penetration of nutrients through the cell membrane, the functioning of the enzymatic system, and increases stress resistance (temperature shock, drought, salinity, pesticide treatment) of plants.

Improvement of all processes of plant growth and development

Method and area of ​​application - for agricultural enterprises:

  • 0.3-0.4 l/t
    Seed treatment for not less than 2 hours before sowing.
    Working solution application rate – 10-15 l/t.

    0.3-0.4 l/ha
    Spraying plants during the growing season 2 or more times with an interval of at least 10-14 days. Spray material application rate – 150-300 l/ha.
    Main phenophases: tillering, entering the tube and forming a flag leaf. For winter crops, also spring tillering (growth).
    The crucial phase of plant development is tillering. During this period the main parameters of productive grass stand are laid: number of productive stems, spike length, number of spikelets.

    Reducing the stress of chemical treatment with herbicides and weather conditions in this phase, through the use of Relikt R, contributes to a significant increase in yield up to 10-15%.

  • 0.3-0.4 l/t
    Seed treatment for not less than 2 hours before sowing.
    Consumption of working solution – 10-15 l/t.

    0.2-0.3 l/ha
    Spraying plants during the growing season 2 or more times with an interval of at least 10-14 days.
    Spray material consumption – 150-300 l/ha.
    Main phenophases: 2-4 true leaves, branching, the beginning of fruit formation.

    The use of Relikt R during pre-sowing seed preparation accelerates growth in number and development of symbiotic nitrogen-fixers. Combining our product with microfertilizers based on molybdenum (Mo) during seed treatment will be especially favorable for the development of symbionts.
    A significant contribution to the increase in yield on some pulse crops is the combined use of Relikt R with herbicides, the active substances of which have a negative effect on crop growth, slowing its development at the stages of organogenesis important for crop formation. Leaf chlorosis is associated with the destruction of chlorophyll in the leaves. At this stage there is a decrease in synthesis of essential nutrients for both the shoot and the root system. The use of Relikt R accelerates decomposition of active substance of the herbicide, significantly reducing stress period and increasing the overall productivity of crops.

  • Field cabbage crops

    0.3-0.4 l/t
    Seed treatment for not less than 2 hours before sowing. Consumption of working solution – 10-20 l/t.

    0.2-0.3 l/ha
    Spraying plants during the growing season 2 or more times with an interval of at least 10-14 days.

    Spray material consumption 150-300 l/ha.

    Main phenophases: 2-4 true leaves, rosette branching, formation of pods.

    Seed treatment reduces stressful effects of low soil temperatures of early sowing crops, increasing field germination and seed sprouting speed. Stimulating development of the root system of seedlings provides improved plant nutrition in the early stages of development.

    Field cabbage plants nutrition is especially important during the formation of 2-4 true leaves, since the intensive development of the root system of plants continues during this period.

    Because of the active ingredients of Relikt R and the chelating properties of humic and fulvic acids, Relikt R perfectly combines and increases the efficiency of using such water-soluble fertilizers as ammonium sulfate, urea, CAM and others. Nutrients of fertilizers penetrate through the cuticle into the photosynthetic leaf tissue much better by increasing the permeability of the cell membrane.





  • 0.3-0.4 l/t
    Seed treatment for not less than 2 hours before sowing. Consumption of working solution – 10-20 l/t.

    0.2-0.4 l/ha
    Spraying plants during the growing season 2 or more times with an interval of at least 10-14 days.
    Spray material consumption – 150-300 l / ha.
    Main phenophases: 1-2 pairs of true leaves, branching and the beginning of fruit formation.

    A significant contribution to the development of buckwheat plants is pre-sowing seed treatment, which provides stimulation of the root system development and an increase in the suction surface of seedlings (increase in the number of root hairs). Relikt R greatly reduces the effect of herbicides on buckwheat plants when used together with chemical weeding of crops or use of the product 2-3 days after herbicide treatment

  • 0.3-0.4 l/t
    Seed treatment for not less than 2 hours before sowing. Consumption of working solution 10-15 l/t.

    0.3-0.4 l/ha
    Spraying plants during the growing season 2 or more times with an interval of at least 10-14 days.
    Spray material consumption – 150-300 l/ha.
    Main phenophases: the appearance of the 1st pair of true leaves, 3-4 pairs of true leaves and 6-8 pairs of true leaves. It is important to apply together with herbicidal treatment.

    Relikt R in combination with pesticide treatments promotes an increase in seed yield by 5–19% by increasing the diameter of the basket to 9.4% and the mass of seeds in the basket by 5.2–19.1%.

  • 0.3-0.4 l/t
    Seed treatment for not less than 2 hours before sowing.
    Consumption of working solution 10-15 l/t.

    0.3-0.4 l/ha
    Spraying plants during the growing season 2 or more times with an interval of at least 10-14 days.
    Spray material consumption - 150-300 l/ha.
    Main phenophases: herringbone phase and the beginning of budding.

    Foliar dressing with Relikt R and urea solution during herringbone phase is considered to be quite effective when growing flax. When herbicidal treatments in this phase, the dose of the drug - 0.2 l/ha + urea 3-5 kg per 100 liters of water (less water is not recommended).

  • 0.3-0.4 l/t
    Seed treatment for not less than 2 hours before sowing. Consumption of working solution – 10-15 l/t.

    0.3-0.4 l/ha
    Spraying plants during the growing season 2 or more times with an interval of at least 10-14 days.

    Main phenophases: phase of 2-3 leaves of culture, phase of 6-7 leaves, phase of beginning of emergence (throwing out the panicle).
    Spray material consumption – 150-300 l/ha.
    For the formation of a large mass of plants, an especially important period for plant feeding is the phase of 2-3 leaves of the culture, when the embryo stem differentiates. For high quality silage or increase in grain yield it is recommended to use Relict P in the phase of 6-7 leaves, at the time of determining the size of the cob.

    According to the research conducted on the use of humates on corn, it increases the chlorophyll content in the leaves, which accordingly intensifies the synthesis of dry matter in the aboveground biomass, thereby increasing its nutritional value when preparing silage.
    The use of Relikt R together with herbicides reduces the duration of their toxic effects on the crop, helping to accelerate the decomposition and elimination of pesticide residues from plants, therefore increasing crop yields.

  • 0.3-0.4 l/t
    Seed treatment for not less than 2 hours before sowing.
    Consumption of working solution – 10-20 l/t.

    0.25-0.3 l/ha
    Spraying plants during the growing season 3 or more times with an interval of at least 10-14 days.
    Spray material consumption – 150-300 l/ha.
    The main phenophases are: the formation of 1-2 pairs of true leaves, 3-4 pairs of true leaves, phase of formation of the rosette (the beginning of closing of rows), when 10-20% of the plants of the next rows touch each other (BBCH 31-32) and 50% of the clamping rows.

    The most important period in the growth of beets is the first part of the growing season - until the rows are closed. In particular, for the given period of life there is the phase of the third pair of true leaves, when the embryonic stem and axillary buds are laid and leaves and root system are formed. By the time the leaves are closed in rows and further between the rows, there is an intensive growth of the root crop. In this regard, in the period noted, it is necessary to ensure the minimum stress on plants of adverse factors due to the combined use of Relikt R with herbicides and fertilizers.

  • 0.2-0.4 l/t
    Spraying of plants during the growing season from the beginning of regrowth to flowering 2 or more times with an interval of at least 10-14 days.

    The use of Relikt R in the period of spring or post-harvest growth of herbs helps to stimulate the development of soil rhizosphere and cellulose-decomposing microflora. Stimulates the formation of new roots.

  • 3-8 l/ha
    For crops with easily decomposing straw (peas, spring wheat, barley, etc.), the consumption of the product is 3-5 liters per hectare, for crops with difficult-decomposing straw (rapeseed, corn, beets, sunflower, etc.) 5-8 liters per hectare.

    Consumption of working solution – 100-300 liters per hectare.

    To enhance the effect, it is possible to use 1-3 kg of active ingredient per hectare in a tank mix with ammonium nitrate.

product application rate:

200-400 ml/t — pre-sowing seed treatment;
3-5 l/ha — pre-sowing soil treatment or stubble treatment;
300-400 ml/ha — Plants spraying, 2-3 times per season.

Guaranteed useful life - 3 years;
No expiry date.

effect on plants:

 seed treatment intensifies the sprout's nutrotion intake ate the early stages of its growth;
 boosts immune response to soil pathogens;
 improves intromission of active materials of other agricultural products and fertilizers;
 provides for chlorophyll content build-up and enhances productiveness of photosynthesis;
 provides impact reduction of such stress factors as air drought and toxic effect of herbicides on plants.

effect on soil:

 enhances physical, mechanical and chemical properties of soil;
• adsorbs and captures nutrients, macro- and microelements, that remain in available form;
 increases activity of the natural flora;
 intensifies microbiological activity of soil and enhances its buffer capacity;
 protects the soil from heavy metals pollution.

    1. Organic Matter: 55-65%

      • Provides long-term nutrition for plants and improves soil structure.

    2. Humic Acids: 10-15%

      • Improve water retention capacity and aid in nutrient absorption.

    3. Fulvic Acids: 3-5%

      • Stimulate root systems and increase stress resistance.

    4. Amino Acids: 2-3%

      • Support plant growth and development, increase resistance to diseases and adverse conditions.

      • Role: Nitrogen is crucial for plant growth, playing a key role in the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, and chlorophyll. It is essential for the vegetative growth of plants.

      • Action: In chelated form, nitrogen is more efficiently absorbed by plants, enhancing leaf and stem development. It promotes lush, green foliage and overall plant vigor.

      • Role: Phosphorus is vital for energy transfer within plants, as it is a component of ATP. It is also important for root development, flowering, and fruiting.

      • Action: Chelated phosphorus is more readily available to plants, ensuring better root growth, improved flowering, and higher fruit and seed production. It enhances the energy efficiency of the plant.

      • Role: Potassium regulates various physiological processes in plants, including water uptake, enzyme activation, and photosynthesis. It is crucial for overall plant health and stress resistance.

      • Action: In chelated form, potassium is more easily absorbed, improving water regulation, strengthening cell walls, and enhancing the plant’s resistance to diseases and environmental stresses.

      • Role: Calcium is essential for cell wall structure and stability. It also plays a role in signal transduction and root and leaf development.

      • Action: Chelated calcium ensures that the nutrient is readily available for uptake, preventing common issues like blossom end rot in fruits and vegetables. It improves cell wall integrity, leading to stronger plants.

      • Role: Magnesium is a central component of the chlorophyll molecule and is crucial for photosynthesis. It also activates many enzymes involved in plant growth.

      • Action: In chelated form, magnesium is more effectively absorbed by plants, promoting better photosynthesis and greener, healthier foliage. It enhances the plant’s energy production and overall growth.

    • Beneficial bacteria and fungi that help decompose organic matter and enrich the soil.

      • Role: Zinc is crucial for the synthesis of auxin, a growth hormone that influences plant elongation and growth. It also plays a role in enzyme activation, protein synthesis, and maintaining the integrity of cellular membranes.

      • Action: Chelated zinc ensures that the nutrient is readily available for uptake, preventing deficiencies that can lead to stunted growth and poor yield.

      • Role: Iron is essential for chlorophyll synthesis, which is vital for photosynthesis. It also plays a role in energy transfer, respiration, and nitrogen fixation.

      • Action: Chelated iron prevents it from forming insoluble compounds in the soil, ensuring that it remains available to plants, thus preventing chlorosis (yellowing of leaves).

      • Role: Manganese is involved in photosynthesis, respiration, and nitrogen assimilation. It activates several important metabolic processes and enzymes within the plant.

      • Action: Chelated manganese improves its availability and uptake, preventing deficiency symptoms such as interveinal chlorosis (yellowing between the veins of leaves).

      • Role: Copper is important for photosynthesis, respiration, and lignin synthesis, which strengthens plant cell walls. It also acts as a catalyst in various enzymatic processes.

      • Action: Chelated copper ensures efficient uptake and prevents deficiencies that can lead to wilting, stunted growth, and poor seed production.

      • Role: Molybdenum is crucial for nitrogen metabolism, including the conversion of nitrate to ammonia. It is also essential for the functioning of the enzyme nitrate reductase.

      • Action: Chelated molybdenum makes the element more available to plants, preventing deficiencies that can lead to poor nitrogen fixation in legumes and overall poor growth.

      • Role: Boron is vital for cell wall formation, membrane stability, and reproductive development (pollen formation and seed set). It also influences the movement of sugars and other nutrients within the plant.

      • Action: Chelated boron enhances its availability and uptake, preventing deficiencies that can cause brittle tissue, poor fruit and seed development, and reduced growth 

    • Natural Algae Extracts: Rich in minerals and growth hormones that support plant development.

    • Composted Plant Material: Enhances biological activity and soil structure.

    • Environmentally Friendly: All ingredients are of natural origin.

    • Increases Soil Fertility: Improves biological activity and soil structure.

    • Supports Healthy Plant Growth: Provides essential macro and microelements.

    • Enhances Plant Resistance: Helps plants combat stress and diseases.

Composition of Relikt R Fertilizer

Chelated elements are nutrients that have been chemically bonded to organic molecules, typically amino acids or other organic compounds, to form a stable complex. This process is known as chelation. The term "chelated" comes from the Greek word  χηλή (chēlē) which means "claw," signifying how the organic molecule "grabs" onto the nutrient.

    1. Improved Absorption: Chelated elements are more easily absorbed by plant roots because they are more soluble and stable in the soil environment. This ensures that plants can take up the nutrients more efficiently.

    2. Reduced Soil Interaction: Chelated nutrients are less likely to react with other elements in the soil to form insoluble compounds that plants cannot absorb. This helps maintain the availability of essential nutrients.

    3. Enhanced Mobility: Once inside the plant, chelated nutrients can move more freely through plant tissues, reaching the areas where they are most needed.

    4. Reduced Toxicity: Chelation can help reduce the potential toxicity of certain elements by controlling their release and uptake by plants.

  • For instance, iron (Fe) in its natural form can easily react with other elements in the soil and become unavailable to plants. When iron is chelated (e.g., Fe-EDTA), it remains in a form that plants can absorb more readily, thus preventing iron deficiency.

    Iron absorption by plants

  • Using chelated fertilizers, such as the Relikt R fertilizer by Genesis, ensures that essential nutrients are in a form that plants can absorb and utilize effectively. This leads to healthier plants, improved growth, and better yields.

    In summary, chelated elements are essential for ensuring the efficient delivery and utilization of nutrients by plants, making them a crucial component of modern agricultural practices.

Get in Touch

For all inquiries about our products and purchasing options, feel free to contact us:

Our team is ready to answer any questions and provide assistance with your purchase. We look forward to hearing from you!

Detailed instructions for the application of Relikt R in plantation cultivation

By clicking on one of the images, you will see the instructions for that crop.

  • Preparation of Humate and Protectant Mixture:

    The mixture of humate and protectant should be prepared as follows: the recommended amount of protectant + 0.3 l/t of Relict humate, both pre-diluted with water. Spray consumption: according to the terms of use of the protectant (not less than 12 l/t).

    Recommendations for Seed Treatment:

    It is recommended to perform pre-sowing treatment of seeds of grain crops, grain legumes, industrial crops, and forage crops using seed mixers and other machinery; for smaller quantities, it is possible to use concrete mixers. Seeds and planting stock of vegetable, flower, and ornamental crops are soaked in glass, enamel, or polyethylene vessels as well as in stainless steel containers.

    Mixing Recommendations:

    It is not recommended to mix humates and copper-based protective agents as this can lead to the crystallization of copper salts, potentially causing nozzle blockages. Therefore, it is advisable to treat crops with humates and copper-based protective agents separately.

  • It is recommended to use any commercial spaying devicefor foliage spaying. Soil dressing of plants is recommended to be done using various sprinkler systems (drip feed, rain makers, etc.)

  • Norms of working solution consumption for feeding of various agricultural crops are customary ones.

    It is not recommended to perform foliage spraying in hot sunny weather.

    This product can be used individually or as a tank mixture with pesticides as well as with single-component and complex mineral macro and micro fertilizers; components of tank mixture are to be tested for compatibility.

    General safety rules (including use of individual safety protection means) are recommended to follow when using the fertilizer.

Special cases:

For Private subsidiary farms:

Soil preparation

All crops (plowing, spudding, loosening)

30 ml (2 bottle caps)/10-12 l of water (1 sprinkling can)

Spray material consumption:
5-10 l/100 m2


Plant-root fertilizing

During growing season (2-6 times)

Vegetable, flower and decorative, fruit and berry crops

Introduction with irrigation water:
15-25 ml/10 l of water

Spray material consumption: 5-10 l/m2

Soaking before planting

Vegetable crops, flower and ornamental plants, fruit and berry crops

1-1,5 ml/1 l of water


  • seeds - 6-12 hours

  • tubers - 1-2 hours

  • bulbs - 6-8 hours

  • sprigs and seedlings - 14-24 hours

  • open-rooted sprigs - 3-4 hours

Foliar fertilizing

During growing season (2-6 times)

Vegetable, flower and decorative, fruit and berry crops

15-20 ml/10-12 l of water

Spray material consumption:
Plants, shrubs and trees - 5-10 l/100 m2

In modern industrial conditions, environmental care is becoming increasingly important with each day.
Soil restoration after exposure to stress factors, redcution of norms for the use of non-organic toxic fertilizer and plant protection from soil pathogens should become priority areas, both in the massive agricultural industry and in small farms.
The product is non-toxic and chlorine-free, safe to humans, animals and birds, does not have any cumulative properties. It does not have any allergic, anaphylactic, teratogenic, embryotoxic, mutagenic or carcinogenic effects.


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